Why is a platypus half duck half beaver?

A long time ago, during the dreamtime, in the forest, not all the animals were friends. An example is the beaver and the duck. The beaver hated the duck and the duck hated the beavers. One day, the other animals were fed up with their war and tried to find a witch.
They wanted to turn the beaver into an animal which is half beaver half duck. To do this, the witch needed a hair of the two animals to bewitch them.
Two days later, there was a strange animal with a flat tail like a beaver and a beak like a duck in the forest.
This animal still exists today and is called the platypus.

By Frédérique and Marine

A very long time ago in the dreamtime, the sea was transparent. The king of the sea was the biggest whale.
This whale was as big as Uluru and his blood was blue. He was a good whale so, all the fish liked him!!!
One day, he wanted to see the Aborigines. He came near the beach but the Aborigines didn’t know what this blue mountain was. They were scared and they decided to attack the whale! The poor whale bled into the sea. The king whale decided to return to the middle of the sea and his blood colured all the oceans and all the seas blue.
That’s why today fish are scared of humans and that's why the sea is blue!


By Suzon and Elodie

Our Dreamtime stories

Why the echidna has spikes

A long time ago, in the dream time, there was an incredible animal. It was very small and looked like a mole. It lived in caves in the night and in the day it travelled everywhere. But one night, this incredible animal came to a cave but it didn’t know that there was a volcano above this cave. In the middle of the night, the volcano erupted. On the ceiling, there were stalactites, and when the floor stared to move, all stalactites falls on the poor animal and it was covered with spikes.
And now this strange animal with spikes is called the echidna.

By Gérald and Loïc.