The koala and the emu
A long time ago during the Dreamtime, the koala was the fastest animal of Australia. He was the fastest animal of all the tropical forest. One day, a new animal came: an emu. He came from the desert. Very early the koala wanted to run with the emu because he ran very fast.
One day, the koala met the emu to invite him to run with him and the emu accepted. The next day, lots of animals from the forest were present to see that. The race began and the koala and the emu started very fast. During the race, they crossed lots of mountains, rivers, hot desert and one tropical forest. Near the end of the race, the koala took a secret passage, but the emu saw him... At the finishing line, the emu hit the koala with his beak and paralized the koala for all his life.
This is why today ….guess !!!
By Thibaut and Rodrigue.