A beautiful spring day, the two friends were walking. They saw a sort of red mountain. They decided to explore this big red mountain.
Later, an aborigine appeared suddenly.
He says : -What are you doing on this hill ?
You have nothing to do here ! said the angry man.
The Koala and the Kangaroo were worried. The Kangaroo answered with a decided tone:
“- We have dedcided to go to the summit of this red big mountain, and nothing will stop us.
-If you go up to the summit, you will regret it !
And he disappeared. The two friends, determined to go up to the summit, started again the road.
Two hours later, they arrived at the top of the mountain and discovered the beautiful landscape of Australia.
Suddenly, they heard a big noise.The Koala and the Kangaroo were terrified.
Suddenly a big rock fall on the leg of the Koala. The kangaroo helped him when a big rock fell near the two friends. The kangaroo terrified put his friend in is pouch. The koala was completely knocked out! The kangaroo ran faster and faster. And the koala moved very slow because he didn’t get better after this accident.
It’s why the Kangaroo is faster than the koala !
And the Koala is slower than the Kangaroo !
By Elise and Laura.