A long time ago in Australia there was a family of two kangaroos and a baby. In the middle of Australia there was a desert. At that time the kangaroos had no pouch on their tummy to put their baby in and the baby kangaroo had to walk next to its parents.
One day they found nothing to eat so the parents decided to go west. The three kangaroos crossed the desert but the baby kangaroo fell a lot and lost his parents. When the parents arrived et the end of the desert, they saw no baby.
The mother kangaroo had an idea. She saw lots of long grass and she weaved it together to make a pouch. Then she took a cactus needle and her longest hair; with these objects she sewed a pouch on her tummy. After that the parent kangaroos set out in search of their baby. When they found it the mother took her baby and put it in her new pouch.
It was such a good idea that all the other kangaroos copied and that’s why today all kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch .
By Isabelle and Jean-Philippe
"C'est l'histoire d'une famille de kangourous, le fils se perd et dès que le petit est retrouvé la mère trouve un moyen pour qu'il ne parte plus..."
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