A long time ago, in the dreamtime, in the tropical forest, a strange black mouse was very sad because he had two ridiculous wings. He had no friends and felt so alone. But this day, a little white mouse cried under his tree. The back mouse heard her and consoled her. They fell in love and they were happy again. The black mouse looked at her all the morning and all the afternoon. But, when the night came, he was sad because he couldn’t see his loved one. So at night, he decided to sleep upside down with his head, hanging from the tree so he could see his loves one all the time. They were lovers forever and they had lots of black mice with wings who slept head upside down hanging from the tree. To this day you can see this strange animal in Australia, they are call flying foxes.
By BLOCH Margot
And DONATH Marion
In the Dreamtime, the sun shone on only part of the north.
Animals were sad because it’s was dark all day long.
Then the kangaroo jumped and pushed the sun very hard and the sun fell down.
The sun went to the other side of the earth.
So the animals of the south were happy! After that the animals of the south asked the sun to alternate between the South and the North part of the earth.
Since then, the sun agreed to alternate and the two parts of the earth are now sunny.
By Constance and Anaïs.
The 2008 Olympics
The Olympic Games
The olympic Games were founded by the Greek in 776 BC but they stopped. The Olympic Games were reinvented again by a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin. The goal of the Olympic movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world.
In 2008 the Olympic Games were in Bejiing (China). The winners were the Chinese with 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals and 28 bronze medals (a total of 100 medals). They were good in gymnastics. The second was the USA with 36 gold medals and a total of 110 medals. They won lots of medals in swimming. Third was the Russians with 72 medals and the fourth was Great-Britain (47 medals). In these Olympic Games there were 204 countries.
The next Olympic Games will be held in London in 2012 – see you there!
The European Parliament
The European Parliament is the building in Strasbourg where the European deputies (they are 785) work. There are 27 member states classified by alphabetical order. The parliament president is elected by the deputies and the deputies are elected by the citizens.
In the parliament there is a language problem because the deputies wanted to have only one language but they didn’t know which language to choose. Finally they chose to speak 23 languages for everybody to understand, and they decided to have an interpreter for all the languages.
In November of 2007, Sarkozy was in the parliament for a visit.
In the semicircular auditorium, there are for 800 deputies places and for 600 spectators.
By Basil
Exchange Website
Depuis 2 ans les professeurs organisateurs ont bénéficié de l'aide très professionelle de M. Christian Bachmann qui a conçu ce site web sur nos échanges. Visitez-le à l'aide du lien ci-dessus - vous allez l'adorer !!!
Newspaper article : Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace 08/07/08
En Australie, il y a encore des écoles où l’enseignement de la langue française prend une place très importante dans l’emploi du temps. C’est le cas de Benowa State High School près de Brisbane sur la Gold Coast. Une centaine d’élèves font la moitié de leurs études en français et un des points forts de ce programme bilingue, c’est le voyage linguistique en Alsace.
Le professeur pilote de ce projet en Australie est Nicole Davies, originaire d’Erstein. Il y a cinq ans, elle a contacté des collèges du Centre Alsace pour organiser des échanges avec ses élèves. Le collège Romain-Rolland à Erstein, le collège du Bernstein à Dambach-la-Ville, le collège de Gerstheim et Saint-Joseph à Matzenheim participent activement depuis quatre ans.
Une trentaine d’élèves australiens sont accueillis chaque année par des familles des différents établissements en Alsace pendant trois semaines. En retour, les élèves français ont la possibilité de faire le voyage en Australie l’année suivante.
En avril dernier deux professeurs, Anne Stenger et Anne Keller, ont accompagné 28 élèves aux antipodes. La première semaine s’est déroulée à l’école, où les Français ont découvert le système éducatif à l’anglaise avec le port de l’uniforme et le traditionnel assembly du matin. Les cours de cuisine et de théâtre ont été particulièrement appréciés.
La deuxième semaine correspondait aux vacances de Pâques et les élèves ont goûté aux plaisirs et loisirs typiquement australiens : mer, barbecues sur la plage, sorties en forêt tropicale et camping. En fin de séjour, tout le groupe a passé trois jours à Sydney avant de rentrer en Europe avec des souvenirs inoubliables et la ferme intention d’y retourner un jour.
Actuellement Nicole Davies est en Alsace avec des nouveaux correspondants. Son enthousiasme, ainsi que celle des collègues français et tous les élèves concernés, font de ce projet une aventure passionnante qui va certainement se prolonger.
Article paru dans les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace du Mardi 8 juillet 2008.
Ashleigh is my Australian billet *. She’s very nice and friendly.
She likes vegemite and monkeys! Ashleigh likes Bob the Sponge and her friends!
She loves her family and the colour yellow.
She was born 20 days before me (5th August).

She likes being scared, and she would like to do bungee jumping.
Ashleigh is the best billet in the world!
By Suzon
Photo of Suzon and Ashleigh in full Alsatian costume !
* a billet is a penfriend you accomodate in your home.
The Zoological Museum
On Wednesday the 28 May we went to Strasbourg with the European section. First we went to the zoological Museum. We saw lots of stuffed animals from the entire world, for example, from Antarctica there were polar bears and penguins…From the forest there was wolf and snake… From Australia there was a dingo, a koala and a platypus…From American there was a gorilla was a buffalo…And from Africa there was my favourite animal, the parrot. After this very interesting visit, we went to the Botanical garden to eat lunch. After that we went to the European parliament. Finally we went back home by bus.
Presenting Kyle
Sara by Marion
Videoconference with Ferrers