Why some black mice have wings and hang from trees?

A long time ago, in the dreamtime, in the tropical forest, a strange black mouse was very sad because he had two ridiculous wings. He had no friends and felt so alone. But this day, a little white mouse cried under his tree. The back mouse heard her and consoled her. They fell in love and they were happy again. The black mouse looked at her all the morning and all the afternoon. But, when the night came, he was sad because he couldn’t see his loved one. So at night, he decided to sleep upside down with his head, hanging from the tree so he could see his loves one all the time. They were lovers forever and they had lots of black mice with wings who slept head upside down hanging from the tree. To this day you can see this strange animal in Australia, they are call flying foxes.

By BLOCH Margot
And DONATH Marion

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