Merry Christmas and happy new year to the British!
I'm Margot, I'm fouteen years old and I go to Bernstein High School. Here in Alsace it snows and we are very cold. But It's Christmas time, so everybody is happy! On the 24 of December, I stayed at home with my family. We ate some "Bouchée à la reine" a french meal (fortunately for you, we didn't eat the queen! ). It's very good, YummY! This year, my sister was father Christmas! Oops, no no..^^
On new year’s eve I played upstairs with friends, and the adults played "Casino" in the living room.
I enjoyed my holidays! and YOU?!


Anonymous said...

We are really looking forward to seeing you!
Hope you can e-mail our teacher your e-mail addresses as we would really like to talk to you one on one.
Do any of you have msn???
Thank you for all your comments x
From Sarah and Rachael

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the nice comments
on our profiles!
We hope you had a great christmas and have a happy new year.
We hope to see you soon.
Laura, Eleanor, Fiona and Becca
x x x x x