I present to you my penfriend. His name is Brandon Trinh (perrochon, is his nickname). He is very optimistic and out-going but he is also impatient, fearful and messy. He is very tiring but he is very funny !! His parents are Billy and Lida. He has got two sisters: Nikita is ten and Cindy is eight. He is a musician, he plays the piano, drums and the guitar ! He plays Australian football. He is afraid of spiders, it's very strange for a boy !!
I like him but he is very tiring because, he has got a lot of energy !
I visited Epfig with him by bike. We went to Nancy with my family, he saw the Stanislas place. We went to Strasbourg with Mrs Hirschmiller. We went to Sélestat with my mother and I took him to the library. We visited Obernai and we ate an ice cream. We saw my sister's dance show in Barr, he didn't like it! We went bowling in Colmar ! We went to "la Montagne des Singes" with my parents and to "la Volerie des Aigles" and to "Mont Sainte Odile" !!
He liked the french food but he didn't like frogs' legs or snails. I showed him the French TV but he didn't like the American series in French because the voices of the actors aren't natural ! We saw a lot of films in French !
My best day with him was when we went to Europapark because it was very funny with the Australian penfriends and I made a lot of new friends.
My worst day ... I didn't have a worst day !
I am impatient to see him again !!
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