A (horror) dreamtime story!

The underwater world.

A long time ago during the dreamtime, fish were animals which lived on land. They were friendly with dingos, they were best friends. One day, there was a rainbow. Fish loved rainbows so they walked to the foot of the rainbow and met some kangaroos. The kangaroos guarded gold at the foot of the rainbow. One day the kangaroos said to the fish:

«We are going to travel when we come back, you must guard the gold nuggets for us.
-Ok. Good travels! » said the fish.

The dingos were jealous and stole the gold nuggets. When the kangaroos came back, they wanted to recover their gold nuggets again but the fish couldn’t find it. The kangaroos were angry and they prepared a ceremony for the fish.

During the ceremony, the kangaroos cut the arms and legs off the fish and threw them in the sea. The fish were angry and sad… They went into the sea to look for their arms and legs but they couldn’t find them and are still looking today…

By Maud and Nicolas

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