During my summer holidays, I went to Toulon in the south of France. I stayed two weeks. I travelled by train with my brother and my parents! Every day I slept in, I swam in the sea, I did shopping and I bought lots of clothes! The sea in Toulon was a bit cold but beautiful!! It was a nice holiday!
Three weeks after Toulon, I went to Nice with Charline in a summer camp! We met lots of girls and super boys! Every day we had different activities like scuba-diving, sunbathing...!
It was my favourite holiday!!!
By Pauline.
I'm an actress !
Theatre Festival
Every Saturday, in the afternoon, I go to Heiligenstein for two hours of theatre with my friend Marie. Jaromir Knittel, my teacher is very nice. He is Czech and he speaks with a Czech accent.
In March, this year, me and my group went to the Czech Republic to take part in a theatre competition. It was a French Festival. Other groups represented other countries. There was: Italy, Roumania, Poland, Hungary and lots of Czech Republic groups. We were younger than all the participants and the only French group.
Every play was performed in French. It was nice because the other groups had learnt their lines in French.
We played a musical called Cats. In the play, we danced, sang and we played comedy. It was difficult because we learnt the play in one month. But it was nice. I sang with my friend Marie in a duo and it was beautiful.
All of my group was made up as cats and we had costumes.
At the end of our performance, all the public stood up and applauded for ten minutes. It was magical.
When the Festival ended, the prize giving took place and we had the first prize.
“The public’s prize”!
The Jury gave each person of my group a diploma with their name, and our teacher received theatre books.
Then, we returned to France to announce our success.
Every Saturday, in the afternoon, I go to Heiligenstein for two hours of theatre with my friend Marie. Jaromir Knittel, my teacher is very nice. He is Czech and he speaks with a Czech accent.
In March, this year, me and my group went to the Czech Republic to take part in a theatre competition. It was a French Festival. Other groups represented other countries. There was: Italy, Roumania, Poland, Hungary and lots of Czech Republic groups. We were younger than all the participants and the only French group.
Every play was performed in French. It was nice because the other groups had learnt their lines in French.
We played a musical called Cats. In the play, we danced, sang and we played comedy. It was difficult because we learnt the play in one month. But it was nice. I sang with my friend Marie in a duo and it was beautiful.
All of my group was made up as cats and we had costumes.
At the end of our performance, all the public stood up and applauded for ten minutes. It was magical.
When the Festival ended, the prize giving took place and we had the first prize.
“The public’s prize”!
The Jury gave each person of my group a diploma with their name, and our teacher received theatre books.
Then, we returned to France to announce our success.
Beautiful Colours
A long time ago in the Dreamtime, there was an awful island. It had white sand and the water had no colour.
A little boy lived on this island. He was bored of the landscape. He dreamed every night of a beautiful beach with pastel colours like blue, purple, green, grey and turquoise which represented the beach of his dreams.
One day he used pastel colours and painted on his friend’s body. He found the picture was like his dream. But the boy wanted the drawing to become real. He took his friend to the sea. The colours began to wash off in the water and the beach became like the boy’s dream.
Today this island is one of the most beautiful islands of the Coral Sea.
MIRB Marianne & KIEFFER Charline
A long time ago in the Dreamtime, there was an awful island. It had white sand and the water had no colour.
A little boy lived on this island. He was bored of the landscape. He dreamed every night of a beautiful beach with pastel colours like blue, purple, green, grey and turquoise which represented the beach of his dreams.
One day he used pastel colours and painted on his friend’s body. He found the picture was like his dream. But the boy wanted the drawing to become real. He took his friend to the sea. The colours began to wash off in the water and the beach became like the boy’s dream.
Today this island is one of the most beautiful islands of the Coral Sea.
MIRB Marianne & KIEFFER Charline
C’est l’histoire d’un jeune garçon ennuyé du paysage qu’il voyait et qui avec un ami, des couleurs et surtout un rêve, transforma une mer.

by Laure and Marie
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the emu could fly. It was the most beautiful bird in the sky and all the other animals liked and respected the emu.
But the emu was conceited and unfriendly. So the sky decided to give it a lesson. He threw lightening on the emu. The emu fell down and the sky said :
“You must be more generous and friendlier”.
The emu tried and tried, but it could not fly. It was so sad it hid its head in the sand to cry.
But today, if it cries, it isn’t friendlier or more generous and its bad temper has punished all the emus.
The End.
C’est l’histoire d’un emu tellement prétentieux que le ciel décide de le punir.
Il ne peut plus voler et cache sa tête dans le sable.
Sa prétention a puni tous les emus.
C’est pour ça que les emus ne volent pas.
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the emu could fly. It was the most beautiful bird in the sky and all the other animals liked and respected the emu.
But the emu was conceited and unfriendly. So the sky decided to give it a lesson. He threw lightening on the emu. The emu fell down and the sky said :
“You must be more generous and friendlier”.
The emu tried and tried, but it could not fly. It was so sad it hid its head in the sand to cry.
But today, if it cries, it isn’t friendlier or more generous and its bad temper has punished all the emus.
The End.
C’est l’histoire d’un emu tellement prétentieux que le ciel décide de le punir.
Il ne peut plus voler et cache sa tête dans le sable.
Sa prétention a puni tous les emus.
C’est pour ça que les emus ne volent pas.

by Caroline and Mathilde
In the Dreamtime, a long time ago, the baby koalas had only one choice to stay with their mothers, which was to hold on to their mothers' backs with their little fingers. This was not very comfortable for the mothers or the babies but it was the only solution they could find.
Little by little, when the babies became bigger, they pulled on the poor mothers' skin and their skin became stretched. When these mothers had another baby they got a brilliant idea! The mothers made a pouch with the stretched skin.
Since this day, the baby koala sleeps in their mother's pouch, till they get bigger hands.
C’est l’histoire d’un bébé koala qui ne trouve pas de position pour dormir sur le dos de sa mère jusqu’à ce que sa mère trouve une solution....
A long time ago in Australia, on a coral reef like many others, two turtles were in love. But, one day, the man turtle met a beautiful girl turtle! He decided to leave his partner to go with the turtle of his dreams!
Now, the first lady turtle who stayed on the reef was very sad because she loved her partner very much! She was so sad, that she ate the coast of the reef.
Three months later the man turtle returned to his reef because the turtle he met was beautiful but she was bad! When, he saw the reef, it was not a simple reef, it was a heart reef! The sad lady turtle was so depressed that she had changed the reef to a heart shaped reef! The man turtle returned with his first partner and they had a lot of baby turtles!!!
Today this reef is in the shape of a heart and lots of turtles go there to have their babies!

By Pauline and Laurine.
A long time ago in Australia, on a coral reef like many others, two turtles were in love. But, one day, the man turtle met a beautiful girl turtle! He decided to leave his partner to go with the turtle of his dreams!
Now, the first lady turtle who stayed on the reef was very sad because she loved her partner very much! She was so sad, that she ate the coast of the reef.
Three months later the man turtle returned to his reef because the turtle he met was beautiful but she was bad! When, he saw the reef, it was not a simple reef, it was a heart reef! The sad lady turtle was so depressed that she had changed the reef to a heart shaped reef! The man turtle returned with his first partner and they had a lot of baby turtles!!!
Today this reef is in the shape of a heart and lots of turtles go there to have their babies!
By Pauline and Laurine.
C'est l'histoire d'un couple de tortues, où la tortue femelle, folle de tristesse à cause du départ de son partenaire, mange les contours d'un récif, qui prend une forme de coeur et devient le 'Heart Reef'.
The Kookaburra was always sad; he never laughed and had just one friend: a koala. The Kookaburra lived alone on his big gum tree .
Every day was the same for him he was very bored. One day, his friend came to visit him, because the Kookaburra was so sad! Then his friend told him a funny story about a hunter, who was hunted by a kangaroo!! The Kookaburra found this so funny and laughed all day long! He was so happy after laughing all day that he told the funny story to his cousin. And he thought the story was funny too and told it to his friends and to his family ... and so on ...
Finally the koala’s story was known by every kookaburra in the country .
One week later, a hunter walked near the Kookaburra’s big tree and the kookaburras thought of the Koala’s story and laughed and laughed at the hunter .
Since then, kookaburras have a song like a human’s laugh.
By Anne-michèle and Christelle
C’est l’histoire d’un kookaburra seul, qui ne riait jamais. Jusqu’au jour où son seul ami le koala lui raconte une « Funny Story ». Tout changea …

By Léonie and Marine
A long time ago, the Geckos were completely white because their ancestors lived on a snowy mountain.
One day their ancestors crossed the desert to live in the tropical forest.
A little gecko walked in the desert and a horrible spider asked why his body was white. He answered: ”It’s because for several years I lived in a snowy mountain.” The spider was very surprised because she had never seen a white animal before. In the desert, animals are generally orange, brown or red.
The gecko was very frightened in the desert because all the animals could see his white body on the red sand.
The gecko continued to cross the desert… It was very very hot and the sun burnt his back. Little by little the gecko became red all over. He managed to cross the desert without any animals seeing him.
This is why today all geckos are red !
By Léonie and Marine
A long time ago, the Geckos were completely white because their ancestors lived on a snowy mountain.
One day their ancestors crossed the desert to live in the tropical forest.
A little gecko walked in the desert and a horrible spider asked why his body was white. He answered: ”It’s because for several years I lived in a snowy mountain.” The spider was very surprised because she had never seen a white animal before. In the desert, animals are generally orange, brown or red.
The gecko was very frightened in the desert because all the animals could see his white body on the red sand.
The gecko continued to cross the desert… It was very very hot and the sun burnt his back. Little by little the gecko became red all over. He managed to cross the desert without any animals seeing him.
This is why today all geckos are red !

Why does the rattlesnake rattle?
By Nicolas and Antoine
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the rattlesnake was a snake like all the others. It was silent, and that’s why it was very dangerous.
One day it wanted to go in the forest, to hunt some rats and some birds.
At the same time, in a tree, a kookaburra was preparing a nest. In her nest she had a rattle - kookaburras like to play with noisy toys! The snake heard the kookaburra and prepared to attack.
It ate the poor kookaburra and her rattle.
After his lunch, the snake went home, but when it moved, it began to rattle, so everybody called it Rattlesnake.
Now, when the rattlesnake hunts, the kookaburras can know when he arrives, thanks to the poor kookaburra.
The End.
By Nicolas and Antoine
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the rattlesnake was a snake like all the others. It was silent, and that’s why it was very dangerous.
One day it wanted to go in the forest, to hunt some rats and some birds.
At the same time, in a tree, a kookaburra was preparing a nest. In her nest she had a rattle - kookaburras like to play with noisy toys! The snake heard the kookaburra and prepared to attack.
It ate the poor kookaburra and her rattle.
After his lunch, the snake went home, but when it moved, it began to rattle, so everybody called it Rattlesnake.
Now, when the rattlesnake hunts, the kookaburras can know when he arrives, thanks to the poor kookaburra.
The End.
Il était une fois un serpent très dangereux car très silencieux. Un jour qu’il chassait, il entend un Kookaburra jouer dans un arbre avec un hochet. Rapidement, il se jette sur l’oiseau et l’avale tout rond, avec le hochet. Le hochet en question s’est retrouvé dans la queue du serpent, qui depuis ce temps-là fait du bruit lorsqu’il bouge !
The European Parliament

We went to Strasbourg because we wanted to see and visit the European parliament. We saw a modern and beautiful building with lots of windows. There were also all the European flags.
First we went in its oval ground where we saw a big ball in the middle. Probably it was the earth. Then a man explained us things about the European parliament. We saw a film about the European Parliament and the European Union in a big hall with lots of red seats. We went to another hall, which was bigger than the previous one. In this hall all the seats were blue. In the parliament, there were also two small gardens. When we left the parliament, we could take a comic strip about the European parliament in different European languages. And there were also a lot of documents about the parliament.
First we went in its oval ground where we saw a big ball in the middle. Probably it was the earth. Then a man explained us things about the European parliament. We saw a film about the European Parliament and the European Union in a big hall with lots of red seats. We went to another hall, which was bigger than the previous one. In this hall all the seats were blue. In the parliament, there were also two small gardens. When we left the parliament, we could take a comic strip about the European parliament in different European languages. And there were also a lot of documents about the parliament.
By Thibaut.
Arthur in China
My holiday in China
China was very interesting and very different to France.
I saw the great Wall of China and the army made of clay.
At the great Wall of China I bought a Chinese hat. It was fantastic!!!
There were lots of Bouddha temples there, and a Shaolin temple too.
I bought a nunchaku, in China, it’s a weapon and I learnt Chinese writing for one hour.
China was very interesting and very different to France.
I saw the great Wall of China and the army made of clay.
At the great Wall of China I bought a Chinese hat. It was fantastic!!!
There were lots of Bouddha temples there, and a Shaolin temple too.
I bought a nunchaku, in China, it’s a weapon and I learnt Chinese writing for one hour.
By Arthur.
Charline on holiday
My summer holidays!
During my summer holidays, I went to a holiday camp in Nice at the end of July with a friend. We slept in a hut. Every day we had different activities. One day we went on a boat to do scuba-diving and we saw a lot of beautiful fish. We went for a ride on a bike too, it was good fun! We tried to do windsurfing but in the Mediterranean Sea it was very difficult. We always ate on the beach and we made lots of friends especially Pauline, who met a beautiful boy! Unfortunately we stayed only 10 days. It was a cool week! :D
After, I travelled with my parents in the north of Italy. There, we went hiking in the mountains and we saw wonderful landscapes. There was no sea but a nice swimming pool in the hotel. The weather was great, just one day which was rainy, that day we went shopping.
The rest of the time I met my friends and I had super summer holidays!
by Charline
During my summer holidays, I went to a holiday camp in Nice at the end of July with a friend. We slept in a hut. Every day we had different activities. One day we went on a boat to do scuba-diving and we saw a lot of beautiful fish. We went for a ride on a bike too, it was good fun! We tried to do windsurfing but in the Mediterranean Sea it was very difficult. We always ate on the beach and we made lots of friends especially Pauline, who met a beautiful boy! Unfortunately we stayed only 10 days. It was a cool week! :D
After, I travelled with my parents in the north of Italy. There, we went hiking in the mountains and we saw wonderful landscapes. There was no sea but a nice swimming pool in the hotel. The weather was great, just one day which was rainy, that day we went shopping.
The rest of the time I met my friends and I had super summer holidays!
by Charline
Laurine's summer holidays.
My summer holidays
During the summer, I went to Carcans-Maubuisson, in the south-west of France. I was very happy because the last time I travelled I was five years old. The journey seemed too long because I was impatient to arrive. I stayed there one week with my family.
The weather was strange: first, at ten o'clock it was very sunny, then at midday it was rainy, the afternoon was sunny and hot and finally in the evening it was raining again! Each day we could go to the beach, and that’s what we did. I also swam in a lake but I prefered the sea: the waves are so big! Everything there was beautiful: the houses, the landscape, the sea… everything! But there’s a thing that I saw which was even more beautiful: the sunset on the sea!!!
I was sad to come back because I really enjoyed my holidays. But all good things come to an end!!!
During the summer, I went to Carcans-Maubuisson, in the south-west of France. I was very happy because the last time I travelled I was five years old. The journey seemed too long because I was impatient to arrive. I stayed there one week with my family.
The weather was strange: first, at ten o'clock it was very sunny, then at midday it was rainy, the afternoon was sunny and hot and finally in the evening it was raining again! Each day we could go to the beach, and that’s what we did. I also swam in a lake but I prefered the sea: the waves are so big! Everything there was beautiful: the houses, the landscape, the sea… everything! But there’s a thing that I saw which was even more beautiful: the sunset on the sea!!!
I was sad to come back because I really enjoyed my holidays. But all good things come to an end!!!
The Rabbit Proof Fence
The Rabbit Proof Fence
“The Rabbit Proof Fence” is a film about three aborigine girls, they’re eight, eleven and fifteen. The three girls are removed from their homes by white men because they are half caste.
They are sent to a school where there are white people and half caste children.
One day they decide to return to Jilagong but a tracker wants to catch them.
But the oldest of the three girls, is crafty and the tracker doesn’t find them.
She decides to follow the rabbit proof fence to find their home.
The girl who is eleven is caught but the two other girls arrive at home and they find their family.
“The Rabbit Proof Fence” is a film about three aborigine girls, they’re eight, eleven and fifteen. The three girls are removed from their homes by white men because they are half caste.
They are sent to a school where there are white people and half caste children.
One day they decide to return to Jilagong but a tracker wants to catch them.
But the oldest of the three girls, is crafty and the tracker doesn’t find them.
She decides to follow the rabbit proof fence to find their home.
The girl who is eleven is caught but the two other girls arrive at home and they find their family.