by Laure and Marie
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the emu could fly. It was the most beautiful bird in the sky and all the other animals liked and respected the emu.
But the emu was conceited and unfriendly. So the sky decided to give it a lesson. He threw lightening on the emu. The emu fell down and the sky said :
“You must be more generous and friendlier”.
The emu tried and tried, but it could not fly. It was so sad it hid its head in the sand to cry.
But today, if it cries, it isn’t friendlier or more generous and its bad temper has punished all the emus.
The End.
C’est l’histoire d’un emu tellement prétentieux que le ciel décide de le punir.
Il ne peut plus voler et cache sa tête dans le sable.
Sa prétention a puni tous les emus.
C’est pour ça que les emus ne volent pas.
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the emu could fly. It was the most beautiful bird in the sky and all the other animals liked and respected the emu.
But the emu was conceited and unfriendly. So the sky decided to give it a lesson. He threw lightening on the emu. The emu fell down and the sky said :
“You must be more generous and friendlier”.
The emu tried and tried, but it could not fly. It was so sad it hid its head in the sand to cry.
But today, if it cries, it isn’t friendlier or more generous and its bad temper has punished all the emus.
The End.
C’est l’histoire d’un emu tellement prétentieux que le ciel décide de le punir.
Il ne peut plus voler et cache sa tête dans le sable.
Sa prétention a puni tous les emus.
C’est pour ça que les emus ne volent pas.
Good story !
I like it
Oh...poor emus
but it's a good history too!
je trouve cet histoire très bien écrite et recherché,je n'aurais pas fait mieux !!! c'est SUPER^^
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