Why does the rattlesnake rattle?
By Nicolas and Antoine
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the rattlesnake was a snake like all the others. It was silent, and that’s why it was very dangerous.
One day it wanted to go in the forest, to hunt some rats and some birds.
At the same time, in a tree, a kookaburra was preparing a nest. In her nest she had a rattle - kookaburras like to play with noisy toys! The snake heard the kookaburra and prepared to attack.
It ate the poor kookaburra and her rattle.
After his lunch, the snake went home, but when it moved, it began to rattle, so everybody called it Rattlesnake.
Now, when the rattlesnake hunts, the kookaburras can know when he arrives, thanks to the poor kookaburra.
The End.
By Nicolas and Antoine
A long time ago, in the dreamtime, the rattlesnake was a snake like all the others. It was silent, and that’s why it was very dangerous.
One day it wanted to go in the forest, to hunt some rats and some birds.
At the same time, in a tree, a kookaburra was preparing a nest. In her nest she had a rattle - kookaburras like to play with noisy toys! The snake heard the kookaburra and prepared to attack.
It ate the poor kookaburra and her rattle.
After his lunch, the snake went home, but when it moved, it began to rattle, so everybody called it Rattlesnake.
Now, when the rattlesnake hunts, the kookaburras can know when he arrives, thanks to the poor kookaburra.
The End.
Il était une fois un serpent très dangereux car très silencieux. Un jour qu’il chassait, il entend un Kookaburra jouer dans un arbre avec un hochet. Rapidement, il se jette sur l’oiseau et l’avale tout rond, avec le hochet. Le hochet en question s’est retrouvé dans la queue du serpent, qui depuis ce temps-là fait du bruit lorsqu’il bouge !
1 comment:
poor kookabura
it's a sad story (*tousse*tousse*)
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