A long time ago in Australia, on a coral reef like many others, two turtles were in love. But, one day, the man turtle met a beautiful girl turtle! He decided to leave his partner to go with the turtle of his dreams!
Now, the first lady turtle who stayed on the reef was very sad because she loved her partner very much! She was so sad, that she ate the coast of the reef.
Three months later the man turtle returned to his reef because the turtle he met was beautiful but she was bad! When, he saw the reef, it was not a simple reef, it was a heart reef! The sad lady turtle was so depressed that she had changed the reef to a heart shaped reef! The man turtle returned with his first partner and they had a lot of baby turtles!!!
Today this reef is in the shape of a heart and lots of turtles go there to have their babies!

By Pauline and Laurine.
A long time ago in Australia, on a coral reef like many others, two turtles were in love. But, one day, the man turtle met a beautiful girl turtle! He decided to leave his partner to go with the turtle of his dreams!
Now, the first lady turtle who stayed on the reef was very sad because she loved her partner very much! She was so sad, that she ate the coast of the reef.
Three months later the man turtle returned to his reef because the turtle he met was beautiful but she was bad! When, he saw the reef, it was not a simple reef, it was a heart reef! The sad lady turtle was so depressed that she had changed the reef to a heart shaped reef! The man turtle returned with his first partner and they had a lot of baby turtles!!!
Today this reef is in the shape of a heart and lots of turtles go there to have their babies!
By Pauline and Laurine.
C'est l'histoire d'un couple de tortues, où la tortue femelle, folle de tristesse à cause du départ de son partenaire, mange les contours d'un récif, qui prend une forme de coeur et devient le 'Heart Reef'.
it's very interesting
it's very interesting .
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