FERRERS answers our questions :

1) How many hours of lessons have you got per day?

We have six lessons of fifty minutes.

2)Do you have to bring your meals to school for lunch?

There is a choice, we can bring our meals or we can buy them at school.

3)When do you start school in the morning? When do you finish school in the afternoon?

8:47 in the morning and 15:20 in the afternoon.

4)Have you got a GYM ?

Yes, we have a GYM as well as a sports hall.

5)Do you have prefects, and what do they do?


6)Is your school a boarding school?


7)Do you go to school on Saturday?

No, we go o school Monday to Friday.

8)Have you got computers in your school?

Yes, we have four I.C.T. suites.

9)Have you got study time in your week?

Only the higher years.

10)Do you go to the swimming pool during your sports lessons?

Only the year sevens.

11)Does your school organize trips abroad during the year?

Yes, we can go to Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, America, Japan, Spain and Romania

12)Are mobiles allowed in your school ?

Yes, but not during lesson times

13)Have you got your own lockers to put your personal things in?

Yes but you have to pay £5 and they’re tiny.

14)Is there a choir in the school?


Questionnaire compiled by Thibault and Rodrigue.

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