Pauline's Australian penfriend.

My Australian penfriend.

On the fifteenth of June, my penfriend came to France. Her name is Olivia.

She’s a super girl,funny, smiling, sporty and very crazy (like me ).

She likes grey and animals (especially my cats). She hates vegemite and mint (one day we went to the restaurant and she tasted mint then she shouted very loud in all the restaurant because she hates it). It was very funny! During her holidays in France Olivia tested many French meals. She likes tartes flambées, choucroute and snails! We taught her a lot of Alsatian traditions, for example we taught her to dance waltz and she liked that!

Otherwise, my billet visited the Haut Koenigsbourg, the “monkey mountain”, the zoo of Amnéville, Paris (she thought that Paris was the most beautiful city in the world! )

We went to Strasbourg,to Colmar,to Europa Park and so on...

As my billet had her birthday, on the sixth of July, my family and me made a surprise. We made a big camp (more than thirty people with all the Australians from Dambach) and even her mum came! Olivia was very happy and all the people had a good time. The last day, I was very sad but now I’m very excited because in one hundred and ninety one days I go to Australia and I see

Olivia again!

It was an unforgettable experience!

By Pauline

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