About our European Section

In the European Section, we learn lots of interesting things. It’s not a subject like another because we help each other and we work together.

Last year, first we spoke about the British Isles and every group had to do a presentation about a British Isles country. Then we made a little session about the Royal Family. After that, Christmas came and we started to speak about Australia: Did you know that in Australia, Father Christmas is in a swimsuit? This session was very funny. We talked about Australia's discovery (James Cook, 19th April 1770). And then we came to a very good subject: the aboriginals and their traditions.

Some of us did a dreamtime story, that's an aboriginal story about how the world was created. And the others had to do a travel brochure about Australian's different states.

On the one hand, the travel brochure presentations was very interesting and we wanted to go to Australia; and on the other hand the dreamtime stories were super too! You can read them on the blog.

Conclusion the European section is a great subject

Text written by Juliette, Louise M. and Nicolas.

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